Over the past few years, podcasts have continued to evolve and are beginning to be used by a large number of companies.
In fact, it is a communication format that is constantly evolving since listening to a podcast is easy and fast; whether on the way to work or while cooking, you can listen to your favorite podcast whenever and wherever you want.
First of all, what is a podcast?
A podcast is a free audio content that anyone can listen to anywhere and anytime. It can be listened to online or downloaded directly to their phone, tablet or computer.
A podcast can be made in different "formats".
For example, it can be a retransmission of a radio program, or audio content transmitted directly to the public, or a dialogue between two or more people, whether it is an interview or a testimony, or fiction.
The purpose of podcasts is, of course, to build an audience, but more importantly to bring another form of social contact.
Indeed, listening to people talking and debating is a great alternative to participate in a discussion and create your own point of view. Listening to a podcast can be a very intimate act, since you are (usually) alone with your headphones, and you feel like you are part of the conversation. This is why more and more companies are using this format in order to keep (or create) a more intimate contact with their customers, and thus allow their audience to participate in their debate.
Creating podcasts is good as long as you know how to do it properly.
To help you create a good podcast, we have concocted some tips that you should not neglect to be the number 1 podcast:
Choose the right material so that you can record your podcasts in the best possible way. You need to have perfect sound quality since this is the key element of the podcast.
To record your audio episodes, you need a suitable recording software. So take the time to choose the one that best suits your style of podcats.
Prepare in advance the content (or of the month the essential points) of the episodes so you won't get lost during the recording. It is also advisable to record a few episodes before launching the promo & communication on your podcats - being consistent is super important so that people don't forget you.
Before any recording, take the time to do some audio tests to see if there are no sound problems, if you don't talk too fast and if everything is working properly... It would be a shame to have to start all over again at the end.
When your recording is in the box, keep it carefully, even if you have to put it on a USB key to make sure you don't lose what you've done.
Choose the platform on which you are going to publish it. Don't hesitate to inquire in advance, as the procedure may take longer than expected. We recommend that you publish your podcast on several platforms.
Finally, it is important to analyze the performance of your podcast, the number of listeners and downloads to see your evolution, but also to understand what you can improve and/or keep.
Finally, we would like to remind you that at WOMADE, we have a podcast room where you have the possibility to record your episodes thanks to the materials that are made available to you in order to make a great podcast. The studio can be rented from 9am to 6pm from Monday to Friday and is open to anyone who wants to podcast.
