As the World evolves, change is inevitable.
We are constantly challenged to adapt to the relative chaos around us, to instability and new situations linked to the covid-19 but also news trends, new needs, new requirements. In 1987, U.S. Army War College first introduced the acronym VUCA for Volatility Uncertainty Complexity and Ambiguity. This summarize well our “new normal” that is fast and moving.
In this context, our behaviors, attitudes and personal qualities are put on pression and our technical competencies and expertise are not necessarily helping to cope.
On the other side of the coin of success there are soft skills.
What are soft skills?
It’s a set of noncognitive skills, mainly people skills, that enable to perform well, achieve goals, work well with others and effectively navigate your environment.
“The skills, abilities, and traits that pertain to personality, attitudes, and behavior rather than to formal and technical knowledge” Moss and Tilly, 1996
There are numerous ways to categorize them but let’s say that they cover these 5 main areas:
1. Self-awareness
2. Leadership
3. Communication and interpersonal competencies
4. Strategic thinking and imagination
5. Learning agility
It’s a combination of different views, from yourself, others, the interactions, and your project/business.
Why are soft skills best tools to develop for entrepreneurs?
For some time, they were not considered important because it’s difficult to assess their level of realization and to appropriate the success of a project or a business to soft skills.
But, if we take the metaphor of the iceberg and the well know iceberg story of entrepreneurs “what people see, what people don’t see” it’s similar with hard skills and soft skills.

Let’s have a look at different soft skills for entrepreneurs.

Leadership development for 2021 onward
As an antidote to this VUCA world, the invitation of this phase we are in could be to turn it into a leadership journey and make it a self-discovery journey from inside out.
Volatility > Vision, for your future
Uncertainty > Understanding, yourself, the others
Complexity > Clarity, on your goals
Ambiguity > Agility, on the way to move forward
Tell us about you
What is the soft skill you like the most, the talent you embody?
What’s the biggest soft skills you miss today in your life?
Which one do you fear the most?
Which one you would like to learn ?
Would you be interested in online workshops given my WOMADE community ?
Happy to continue the conversation on our social media and with one our member Marie-Amélie Ormières alias MAO.

Marie-Amélie is an alchemist of change. She supports people in their transformation process from A to B. She developed a multidimensional human approach, at the crossroad of healing therapy and coaching, to pave the way toward your personalized definition of success in life, on a personal and professional level. With focus on relations, emotional resilience, and mindset, her goal is to create a safe space to welcome you and explore your inner agitations, to (re)gain clarity and inner peace, develop your self-esteem, align and activate the leader within yourself.
She is offering one-to-one executive, career coaching sessions combined with Emotional Freedom Technique to remove fears and resistances to change.
If you want to have more information look at her website.
Contact her by Email !